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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recipe Cards

I love this website, it contain many simple things kids can do, unbelievable!! kids, your mommy gonna love it!

Materials: Old greeting card (with no writing on back of cover); Recipe: Any recipe will do but it must be one that the person you are giving it to does not already have; Hole punch; Colorful yarn; plastic wrap (optional).


1. Cut the picture cover of the greeting card from card.

2. On the back side of the card (plain side with no print) neatly print or type the recipe.

3. Cover both sides with clear plastic.

4. Punch holes evenly spaced all around the edge of the recipe card..

5. Weave the colorful yarn through the holes all around the card, ending at bottom back of card.

6. Tie the two ends of the yarn into a knot and trim extra yarn and plastic wrap so that your recipe card looks neat.

this craft idea is taken from