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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Floaters In A Jar

This project was kindly contributed by: Letisha Deleon. Please email Letisha with any questions regarding this project.

This project is great for kids of any age.

What you need: Baby food jar, baby oil, water, food coloring, any small object that will fit in the jar and is able to move around.

What to do:

1. Fill the jar 1/2 way with water.

2. Add 1 or 2 drops of food color. (more for darker-less for lighter)

3. Put your small object inside. (It should float)

4. Fill the rest of the jar with baby oil. (Fill as much as possible to prevent air pockets)

5. Close jar and flip over. ENJOY!

Note: You might want to super glue lid on for smaller children.

This craft idea is taken from

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nature Pictures

This is an easy, fun project for all ages.

1. Decide what theme you would like to use, such as autumn leaves or seashells.

2. When you have decided, find and collect a variety of leaves, stones, seashells, feathers, seeds, tiny pinecones, acorns, or whatever you have decided to use for your picture theme.

3. Get a large piece of matte board or poster board and arrange your nature collection into the design you would like for your picture.

4. Once you have your nature design arranged the way you want, glue each nature item in its place on the poster board.

this craft idea is taken from

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Seashell Wind Chimes

There are many things you can make with seashells. For this craft idea you’ll need at least eight pretty specimens. They should all be fairly small, but they needn’t all look alike! The Seashell wind chime will make a lovely sound when the wind blows through it.

What You Need: 8 seashells (available from the beach, or at craft supply stores); 1 plastic coffee-can lid; knitting yarn scraps; liquid white glue; sharp pencil or paper punch.

What to do:

1. Glue each shell to the end of a short piece of yarn. Use liquid white glue.

2. Let dry overnight.

3. Punch eight holes equally spaced on the top of a plastic coffee-can lid. Use a sharp pencil or a paper punch.

4. Hold the lid with the rim facing up. Push the eight pieces of yarn through the eight holes of the underside of the lid.

5. Tie the end of each piece of yarn in a large knot. Make the knot bigger than the hole so the yarn will not slip through.

6. Punch two more holes on opposite edges of the lid.

7. Push one end of a large piece of yarn from the top of the lid through one hole. It should come out on the underside of the chime.

8. Tie a large knot.

9. Push the other end of the yarn through the other hole and knot it.

10. Hang the chime on the branch of a tree or in your window.

this craft idea is taken from

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Invitations and Thank You Cards

Halloween invitations, halloween thank you cards

You can use these printable Halloween invitations for your Halloween party or as "thank you" cards.

We have posters to match these first 4 designs here:
Halloween posters to print

Halloween invitation 1
Halloween invitation 1 NEW!

Halloween invitation 2
Halloween invitation 2 NEW!

Halloween invitation 3
Halloween invitation 3 NEW!

Halloween invitation 4
Halloween invitation 4 NEW!

We have posters to match these 4 designs here:
Halloween posters to print

Spooky fancy dress party invite
Fancy dress party invite
Having a Halloween costume party? Use our fun printable invitations!

Halloween monster notecards
Halloween note cards (monsters)

Halloween witch notecards
Halloween notecards (witches)

Spider web notecards
Spider web note-cards

Scary monster notecards
Scary monster note-cards

Halloween party invitations to print
Halloween party invitations

Halloween thank you cards to print
Halloween thank you note cards

More Halloween Printables

this craft idea is taken from

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bracelet Holder

I take this kids crafts project from and I think it's very easy for kids to follow, just try it

What you need: Tissue paper roll center (or for a larger holder, from paper towel roll center); 1 square block of wood; Self sticking shelf liner (pretty pastel color or floral); glue; paint (or gold speckle spray paint).

What to do:

1. Paint the block a bright matching color or spray with gold speckle paint.

2. Cover the cardboard tube with self sticking shelf liner and trim excess paper all around.

3. Glue the center of the tube horizontally to the block.

4. Place bracelets on tube, either side of the block.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Kids Crafts for Halloween: Halloween Candy Bouquet from Incredible Edible Crafts by Lana Glass

Have fun with your kids making your own Halloween decorations and crafts. Here is one Halloween craft project, which can be a tasty treat for a Halloween party!

To see this candy bouquet project with color pictures, go to this page.

1. Take any Halloween container you would like to use for your Halloween candy bouquet and floral foam.

2. Using a knife cut the foam and place it into the container. The foam should sit firmly and a little bit lower than the rim of the container. If your container is light, for example a plastic one, you will need to add some weight to the bottom of the container, some rocks from your back yard will work.

3. Cover the foam with Halloween garland using floral pins.

4. You may create your Halloween bouquet not just out of candy but candy and silk flowers. For example, you may add black silk roses into your arrangement.

5. Let's make candy flowers for our Halloween candy bouquet.

a) Prepare the candy you want to use in your bouquet (it may be Halloween themed candy or regular candy that goes well with your Halloween container, floral tape or hot glue, and the bamboo skewers or stem wire.

If you use candy that has wrappers with "tails" (loose ends), attach them to the bamboo skewers or stem wire with floral tape. If you use candy pieces without "tails", attach a skewer to the back of the candy piece using hot glue.

b) Now that we have candy pieces attached to sticks. The next step is to decorate the candy flower stems. Wrap most of the candy flower stems with Halloween garland. Cut a piece of the garland; secure one end of it to the stick right beneath the candy with a little bit of hot glue. Wrap the garland around the stick covering about 2/3 of the stick or more; secure the end of the garland with a dab of hot glue. You can also tie a piece of curling ribbon on top of the garland.

Decorate some candy flowers with just a piece of curling ribbon.

c) Insert candy flowers into the container, arranging them as you wish to achieve the look you desire.

d) Put some candy flowers in the back of the bouquet so that they face the back of the arrangement. This way your bouquet looks good not only from the front but also from the back.

Materials used to make this Halloween treat - a Halloween themed container, Halloween candy, floral foam, curling ribbon, bamboo skewers or stem wire (16 or 18 gauge), Halloween garland, hot glue gun with glue sticks (use a low-temperature glue gun), floral pins, floral tape, and tools (scissors and wire cutters). I bought most of these materials at Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn how to make beautiful candy bouquets to start your own business or just to make unique gifts for your friends and family, see my illustrated step-by-step guides on how to make candy bouquets.

I wish you a Happy Halloween!

See More Candy Crafts ...

About the Author

Making candy bouquets is my hobby and passion. I absolutely love making candy arrangements! I created the site "Incredible Edible Crafts". Come and visit it!

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

CD Case Wipeboard!

CD Case Wipeboard!
Here's a chance for your toddler to make his/her own mini wipeboard. You'll need an old plastic cd case for this activity. Remove the plastic cd holder part of the back cover on the case and put it aside. Then print out the "my first wipeboard" sheet and cut on the black line. Then place the cutout in the back of the cd case so that it showing on the backside of the case. Next, put the plastic cd holder part back in the case and close the case. You might want to tape the case shut depending on how curious your toddler is. Then let your toddler have fun writing on the back of the case over the "my first wipeboard" cutout with the shapes, letters and such! Ask your toddler to draw on the green circle, or inside the red star! Erase and draw again!

Supplies needed:
- printer and paper to print cutout shown in photo
- plastic cd case
- dry erase marker, non-toxic. ( washable markers and crayons will also work)
- scissors

- If you don't have a printer you can always just cut out some paper and put it in the cd case. Cut the paper to a size of 4 5/8 " x 5 3/8 ".
- Talk about the shapes and letters and numbers that you see on the wipeboard while your toddler is drawing on it.

this craft idea is taken from

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recipe Cards

I love this website, it contain many simple things kids can do, unbelievable!! kids, your mommy gonna love it!

Materials: Old greeting card (with no writing on back of cover); Recipe: Any recipe will do but it must be one that the person you are giving it to does not already have; Hole punch; Colorful yarn; plastic wrap (optional).


1. Cut the picture cover of the greeting card from card.

2. On the back side of the card (plain side with no print) neatly print or type the recipe.

3. Cover both sides with clear plastic.

4. Punch holes evenly spaced all around the edge of the recipe card..

5. Weave the colorful yarn through the holes all around the card, ending at bottom back of card.

6. Tie the two ends of the yarn into a knot and trim extra yarn and plastic wrap so that your recipe card looks neat.

this craft idea is taken from

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Ideas for Making Your Own Halloween Costumes

Although there are many Halloween costumes available for kids these days, it is much more fun and original to make your own. Often home-made costumes are also more comfortable to wear, and if you involve the kids in the making process they will feel even more special.

The ideas below are all specifically for Halloween and feature traditional Halloween characters. If you would like more costume ideas, have a look at our Costumes for Kids page too.

Editor's note: This page is a work in progress - but given the fact that Halloween is around the corner, we thought that it was better to get some ideas up rather than wait until everything is complete!

Bat Costume
This bat costume has long floaty wings, ears and a mask so young kids love wearing it! Printable templates supplied.

Cat or Kitten Costume
Every witch should have a black cat, and every witch's cat should have a broomstick, too! A cat is a favorite costume for younger children, who may find other Halloween costumes a bit scary.

Burglar Costume
This burglar costume is a fun fancy dress costume for kids at Halloween or all year round - and it is very easy to put together.

devil costume
Devil Costume
Is your child a little devil? They will certainly enjoy dressing up as one!

Miss Halloween
Adapt our beauty queen costume for Halloween - very spooky!

Mummy Costume
Dressing up as a mummy at Halloween is lots of fun, if a little hot and potentially uncomfortable! We have suggestions for a temporary costume as well as a permanent one which requires sewing or hot-gluing.

Jack's skeleton costume
Skeleton Costume
Here is a quick idea for turning a black rubbish bag and some white tape into a skeleton you can wear!

Witch costumes
Witch Costumes
Does your child want to be a traditional witch or a modern witch? We have plenty of ideas to get you started, as well as instructions for putting together a number of different costumes.
homemade witch costume

Halloween Costume Ideas for Toddlers
Dressing up your toddler for Halloween is a lot of fun. Enjoy it while you can. Before you know it your sweet little toddler will be in kindergarten or first grade and will have developed a much stronger opinion on his or her costume choices and you'll no longer be able to dress him in the costume of your choice. Here are a few ideas for toddler Halloween costumes to get you started.

More Ideas For Toddler Halloween Costumes

This craft idea is taken from

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Easy Halloween Crafts For Everyone by A.Roddy

Children come to mind when thinking of easy Halloween crafts. What is Halloween without crafts? The bright colors and designs naturally appeal to children. Easy Halloween crafts aren’t just for children… Adults can enjoy them as well. Stores are filled with kits to make decorations but why not make your own crafts? It is something the whole family can enjoy together and save money. The following easy Halloween crafts can be made form items found around the house or craft store. Don’t forget about safety. Never let children use sharp objects. If a project calls for scissors, do the cutting yourself.

Foam sheets make excellent choices for easy Halloween crafts. They are found at most craft stores. Purchase sheets in green, orange, black, and white. Cut the sheets into Halloween shapes There are plenty of royalty-free Halloween images online. Read the terms first. You may have to reduce image size before printing. If you are a talented artists, try drawing your own images. Cut images in contrasting colors and glue onto the shapes . Let children glue the images together if desired.

Easy Halloween crafts can be made from more difficult crafts like scary ghosts hanging from trees. Cut the handles from a white plastic bag. Place a styrofoam ball in the top for a head and secure. Poke a hole in the top for hanging. Cut the bottom into shreds. Draw on a scary face. Let each family member draw their own face on the ghost.

Sparkling spiders is an easy Halloween craft you can hang from a ceiling. Paint a 4� inch Styrofoam ball purple. Sprinkle on glitter while the paint is still wet. Glue on google eyes and black pipe cleaners for legs. Bend the pipe cleaners so the spider can stand by itself.

Egg cartons can be used for many easy Halloween crafts like bats. To make a bat, cut out three cups from the egg carton leaving them attached. Shape the two outside cups to resemble wings. Paint the whole thing black and add google eyes. Draw on a scary face. Punch a whole in the middle cup for hanging.

Kids of all ages will love to make spooky Halloween candles. Purchase candles in Halloween colors and a variety of trinkets. You can use candy, glitter, buttons, or anything with a Halloween theme. Glue the decorations right on the candle.

These are just a few easy Halloween crafts available. These crafts are suitable for youth groups, clubs, or senior groups. No matter how you choose to use these Halloween crafts, you will have something to treasure.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Easy Ghost Craft

Easy Ghost Craft for Halloween

Quick to whip up with bits and pieces you will already have around the house, this easy Halloween craft is great for younger kids and surprisingly effective.

You will need:

Polystyrene drinks cup
White tissue paper
Paper fastener
Black pen
Thread / wool to hang


Cut two squares of tissue paper about 12x12 inches (30x30cm). Lay them cross ways (so the corners don’t match).

Push a paper fastener through the centre of the two squares and through the bottom of the polystyrene cup. and then open it up inside the cup to secure.

Draw on a face and tie the thread to the top of the paper fastener. Your ghost is ready to hang!

this craft idea is taken from

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Squigly's Bookends

These bookends are fun and easy to make. They will help you keep your books organized on your desk, shelf or night table.

What you need:

shoe box
tape or glue
markers, wrapping paper, paint or wallpaper remnants

What you do:
1. You do not need the lid of the box to make this craft. Cut away one of the long sides of the box.
2. With the cut away side of the box facing you, mark the center of the opposite long side using the ruler.

Draw a line from the center mark straight towards you. Draw another line from the left top corner to your center mark and then one from the right top corner to your center mark.

Your box should have these markings.

Cut along the lines you have drawn. So that you have two bookends. (See below)

this craft idea is taken from

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why Kids Crafts Are Important by Katelyn Grace Willett

Crafting is one of the most interesting hobbies one can enjoy. Many adults enjoy different types of crafts, such as sewing, knitting, scrap booking and so forth. However, crafts should not be enjoyed by only the adults, but children should also be trained from a young age to be involved in craft making.

Children can reap many benefits from making crafts. By making crafts, children can build their imagination. This is very important for the children’s development. Apart from having endless fun, they can express themselves creatively and achieve the sense of accomplishment. There are many types of easy kids crafts that children can enjoy. Crafts that involve drawing, coloring, painting, cutting, gluing, and even stamping can excite children. Parents should not be afraid of

their children making mess. Simple precautions like lining the floor with old newspaper or old cloth, or even having their children wear old clothes should do the trick. Buy paints that are lead-free, do not stain and safe for children. Older children can handle more complicated crafts, such as sewing, knitting or carpentry. Most of the children who enjoyed making crafts as a child will usually enjoy them as they grow up and become adults.

Making crafts can help children learn educational values, such as learning more on mathematics by identifying shapes and sizes. They will be able to learn more about colors and shapes, learn how to measure using a ruler, and practice drawing and coloring. These activities allow them to express themselves better, thus helping them deal with the problem they might have in school. Many professional psychologists analyze children’s drawings to understand them better. Children who enjoy making crafts also have great hand-eye coordination and motor control. They will be able to do things like drawing an animal by copying from a book or even imitating what their teachers are demonstrating in art classes. Apart from that, they are also able to think faster and make decisions quicker, hence making them smarter.

Parents can organize birthday parties and have their children invite their friends and have craft-making activities. Easy kids craft such as making party hats, friendship bracelets or simple origami like paper planes should be a hit with the children. Let the children make crafts together and encourage them to exchange them. Crafts like friendship bracelets should be perfect for this. The children can learn the value of friendship and this will help them communicate better. Parents can also join their children and make crafts together, like making a huge collage of the family photos. Frame it and hang it where everyone can see it. Each time anyone asks about it, be proud and tell him or her how a lot of the works were done by the children. Any child will feel happy, knowing that their parents are very proud of them.

Making crafts together is a great opportunity for parents to spend more time with their children. Parents and children will definitely interact more, and they will get to know each other better. Parents should not feel that they are not creative enough to make crafts. There are many types of craft to make and there is bound to be something for everyone. Craft making should be made as a compulsory activity for the whole family.

About the Author

Katelyn Grace Willett is the busy mother of two boys. She gets free kid crafts ideas from She also suggests having your kids join a free kids forum to exchange ideas with other kids! Her favorite kids forum is

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